Using Your Game Notes for Mid-Season Planning

Following up our earlier blog, “Evaluating the Past Season” and “Using Your Game Notes for Off-Season Planning“, we want to suggest using your in-season game notes to take a look at where your team is at mid-season.

This is a method that I utilized for many seasons and one that requires someone on the team bench take notes during the game. These notes can be comments by the head coach, the assistants, or just things that the note taker notices during the game. The notes you see below were taken by myself during this current season while sitting behind the bench at home games and while watching live streaming of away games. During the December break, these comments were compiled into a master list, with an indication of the number of times the topics appear in the notes. The topics appearing at the greatest frequency then become the areas that need work in order to have the team make progress during the second half of the season. Many teams also use these notes during time outs and to review before half-time talks.

I have provided a sample of this season’s comments for you to see how this works. In this document, “Mid-Season Master List“, you will find a list of the topics and the number of times that they appeared in the game notes.

You can then make your own judgment about are the areas that need the most attention going into the second half of the season. This list can also contain some analysis of the topics and what needs to be done to improve that specific topic.

I hope this idea, along with those in the earlier blogs help you in looking at evaluating your season both at mid-season and at the end of the season in preparing for the next one.

Some of this information have you interested? Keep an eye on our blog for more thoughts throughout the summer as we continue this series of comments from our Owner and President Jim Walker. Want to hear about a topic specifically? Email us at and we will try to accommodate all requests.

Are you thinking of taking an international team tour in 2019? How about 2020, or the future? We would love to help you get started planning today. Whether it’s Ireland, any of our alternative sample tours, or even somewhere else you had in mind. Contact us, or call us at 610-390-9298 for more details.

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